Yaaay, it’s the middle of the month so it’s time for a new episode!
If you’re even slightly involved with running your own business, you’ll know what we mean when we say WEARING ALL THE HATS is a thing.
We often don’t give ourselves enough credit for the immense amount of things that go with running a business – and man, there’s a lot of it.
What hats do you wear?
Website guru, SEO expert, blogger & content writer, social media manager, marketing, selling, accounting, budgeting, purchasing, making, selling, more marketing, admin, client comms and emails, contracts & invoicing, networking, learning for starters… oh, and that fabulous creative thing which was why you started a business in the first place.
Even just considering what needs to be done on a day to day basis can be overwhelming!
As a rule, we’re incredibly resourceful, great at problem solving and willing to tackle even the most baffling of tasks – and we often save money we don’t have, but spend time we also don’t really have.
What do we talk about?
The My Little Pony Smooze from the 80s… no, we have no idea where that came from either. But it makes a weirdly good analogy!
Priorities and dealing with what we don’t enjoy or aren’t good at.
The first things we both outsourced, getting to grips with numbers & figures & bookkeepers.
Getting past the fear of outsourcing (and letting go!) and how this can change your life. Learning what you do & don’t want to do and where you want to spend your time.
Systems (oooh, systems) and finding the ones which work for you. Recognising different skill sets and strengths.
When your creative work is your baby, and the process of evolving as a creative business owner.
“The Dream” – except that even if you have a dream of a business, it’ll probably change and evolve, so the branding and website you start with is rarely the one you’ll end up with.
The weirdness of being client side! How customer service is the best advertising investment you’ll ever make.
How a mentor can fast track your hat wearing (there’s a sentence we didn’t expect, either) – and the moments when you realise that, having worn all the hats for a while, you know SO much more than you think you do. (it’s a good feeling!)
Linky links
Cool stuff we’ve mentioned, use or love:
Clickup (we LOOOOOOVE Clickup)
Divi (the website theme we both use on WordPress)
And as ever…
We’d love to hear from you! Share us if you’re enjoying the podcast, like & subscribe & rate us on your fave platforms, and let us know if you have any topics you want us to tackle, or if you’d like to join our list of guests 🙂
Till next time,
Carla & Sarah
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