Hey Rebooters! Somehow it’s the end of Season 4 – how DID that sneak up on us? We thought we’d round off the season, and indeed the year, with a dive into our favourite books.

Our last books episode was so much fun we could have kept talking, so we thought we’d set a challenge to choose the books and luxury item we’d take to a desert island with us. Based on Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs, except books rather than music.

So far, so simple. But how the hell are two word geeks who read like they breathe supposed to choose just five each?!

Listen in to find out – we won’t spoil the surprise!

Season 5 is coming

That finishes off our fourth season and second year of Creative Reboot – how time does fly, even in apocalyptic times!

We’ll be back in 2022 with Season 5, and are busy plotting dates and guests. Stay tuned on Instagram, Facebook, or even better on our emails to be the first to know when Season 5 kicks off!