OMG you guys, we made it to our SIXTH season… wtf?!
Honestly, we can’t quite get our heads around where the time has gone and the fact that this is SEASON SIX, let alone 2023! How on earth?!
We’re kicking off the season with a little intro episode because it’s going to be a little bit longer before we get started with our episodes for this year. We’re changing up the format this year but you’ll need to listen in to this episode to find out exactly how. We’ll explain all there.
We started this episode with a little review of the year just gone and then a look forward to the year that is coming. As is our way, we totally rabbited on and ran over time so maybe ramp us up to 1.5x speed or something to get through this one fast! Or, you know, take a long walk to have a good listen!
We’ll see you soon with the first of our episodes for this year – and as ever, we’re all ears if you have comments, questions or would like to be a future guest!