Surprise! It’s a bonus episode!
That’s right. We really hadn’t planned to do a final round up of the year but Sarah kind of badgered Carla into it with a very specific reason in mind. The reason being, we both know how tough a year it’s been for the both of us, and for many other small businesses and creatives out there. And we wanted to acknowledge that but also take a look at what GOOD stuff has happened to us both this year.
We think you’ll find this episode pretty cheering and hopefully a little bit inspiring too. It might even motivate you to take a peek at your own 2024 and see what good happened for you, too!
What we talked about
Well, for once we don’t want to give too many spoilers – it’s quite a personal episode given the ups & downs of 2024 both for us, and for the world at large.
What we will say is that it’s important to acknowledge when things have been a bit (or a lot) shit, and when your resilience is at a low ebb – but equally if not more important to find the good where you can. Because without sounding too Pollyanna-ish, there is usually some silver lining or bright spot somewhere.

Other small-but-big notes from this episode:
It’s ok to change your mind – it doesn’t mean your past decisions were bad or mistakes or terrible choices, just that you’re choosing something different now.
We both share our planning & tracking habits, remembering events from past months, and Sarah talks about her approach for 2025, which is rooted in wanting to be more present, so the time doesn’t fly past quite so quickly.
It’s fair to say that tracking what we’re doing as well as planning it has been a gamechanger for both of us, and a monthly review & reflection routine (different for each of us, but same purpose) has been essential for noticing and remembering the good this year, to balance against the bad on both a personal and world level.
But for all the juicy details, you’ll have to listen in – it’s a lovely meandering conversation!
Thank you for listening for another season, whether you’ve been here from the very beginning or you’ve joined us just this episode, we think you’re fabulous and we really appreciate your time and ears. Which sounded way better said out loud…
We hope you get a break over the festive season, and we’ll let you know our plans for Creative Reboot for 2025 just as soon as we’ve decided on them!