Oh my gosh you guys it’s JULY – how is it July? And how is it that on both sides of the planet, we are still wearing socks and jumpers and battling rain?! (although I did have three days where I needed air conditioning in the UK, so maybe that was summer…)
Anyway, we have a fab episode coming up for you, so grab your headphones and a snack and settle in…
PR is the topic on the block and our brilliant guest Lilian Sue really brings her A-game as she shares how we can get super intentional with our PR for our businesses and brands as creatives through the medium of telling our stories. We talk about everything from imposter syndrome to fully embracing your origin story and just about everything in between. We both walked away with a stack of notes from this episode so we’re sure you will too – bring a notebook and pen as well as that snack!
Meet Lilian
Lilian Sue is a PR coach and publicist who empowers creative entrepreneurs and women in business to push past their limiting beliefs and gain the confidence to harness the power of PR to achieve their goals. Through her coaching, she helps clients recognise and overcome fear, anxiety, and imposter syndrome.

We’ve not talked about PR from this angle on the podcast before so we were excited to hear Lilian’s take on it, especially as PR and publicity are often in the top three scary subjects for entrepreneurs and creatives of all levels.
What we talk about
Storytelling – lots and lots of storytelling! Authenticity and being yourself, and marketing strategies that encompass this. Uncovering the roots of fears we have around publicity, pushing past these to get our stories heard.
Lilian’s own journey from copywriting & social media strategy to PR & coaching, and her shift to educating clients about PR strategy & empowering mindset.
More storytelling, relationship building, and how it’s all marketing. Decision making & mindset blocks, self-worth in business. Aligned clients – the ones who are that perfect fit and how PR helps you find more of them.
Scarity mindset & saying yes to every opportunity; and how this can negatively impact choosing aligned clients and business partners.
Fear around PR, anxiety & imposter syndrome in putting yourself out there, and how to start to overcome it. Vague goals are a source of fear – make them specific, tangible and with timelines!
“I believe that so much of fear and anxiety stems from the fact that we don’t always know what our goals are. It’s kind of you make statements like, I I want more sales or I want to sell more books or I want more customers.”
Lilian Sue
Empowering clients to build their PR strategy and campaigns in a sustainable way, and working around and honouring other commitments. Understanding your story (stories again – they are a massive theme for PR) and experiences and how they inform your business and marketing decisions & plans.

When sharing stories, the balance of personal and private – we really liked this definition as it makes it easier to decide what to share and what to keep back. How to keep your stories personal and interesting without having to share everything.
We loved the different approach to PR and the story-centred advice – it made the whole thing feel much less scary and more approachable!
Get more Lilian in your life
Lilian’s book The Powerful Publicity Prescription is out now – find out more at her Books page.
Keep an eye on our socials to be in with a chance of winning a copy she’s very generously given! You can buy the ebook or paperback at these retailers – and here’s the Amazon UK link and Canada link for clickable ease.
@liliansuecopywriterpr on Instagram
Find her own website at https://inretrospectwritingservices.com/
Links page with all the up to date links, mailing list sign up & freebies
“It’s my goal to get this book into the hands of as many authors, filmmakers, entrepreneurs, startups, and nonprofits as possible because I find that they often get left behind in this industry and that so much of the rhetoric is surrounding government, corporations, bigger companies that have bigger budgets and resources to make PR work.”
Lilian Sue